Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 92: Baio-Yujia’s Ghost Part 3

After promising Alex that she would help find the cause of her haunting, (See Baio-Yujia’s Ghost Part 2Katherine had collected a film recorder from her own room. She and Alexand are now in Alex’s room preparing to ‘capture’ the Ghost of Baio-Yujia Sun. CLICK HERE for next chronological story.

Alexand Merek and Katherine De Somme. Saskatoon Military base, India, (3985)
Alexand Merek and Katherine De Somme. Saskatoon Military base, India, (3985)

17 thoughts on “Unbound Boxes Limping Gods: Disconnected Stories. Issue # 92: Baio-Yujia’s Ghost Part 3

  1. This is a nice interaction — Katherine seems pensive, as if her mind is elsewhere — on her parents, perhaps?
    I don’t know if I’ve asked you this before — but how is it you are so versed in so many cultures? You bravely write about dozens of different cultures, and then blend them, and imagine your own world where cultures have evolved and mixed — that cannot merely be the coinage of your imagination, can it? Have you travelled extensively? Or studied other cultures?
    Do share, darling — my curious nature refuses to be denied! (ha ha)

    1. Thanks, Helena, sadly I haven’t physically travelled as much as I’d like, but have been to a few places in my time, the first being Iran when I was really young. (I lived in Tehran for 9 months just before the revolution) I read a lot and imagine a lot, and keep up with world events. It’s really important for me that the characters are as authentic as I can possibly write them. Sometimes they write themselves, but living in a very different culture at an early age had an influence on me. I try to look at things from as many perspectives as is possible for one brain to cope with, being physically trapped in the South of England, but imagining other places and people.

    1. Yep, I just tidied my son’s room the other day and it’s almost back to how it was before. I think we need to get Mary Poppins, (or Katherine) to have words with these children!

  2. Cheryl, I was thinking the same thing tonight that Helena asked you. But I’ve thought all along that you were Allexand. Yes, we have part of ourselves in most ever character…Am I correct in the latter assumption?

    1. Hi Lee, Alex was the first character I had a conversation with (or imagined) I was seventeen years old, a year younger than Alex is in this story. I was doing my A Levels and for some reason decided not to go to my theatre studies class that day. (It was a very noisy environment) So I found myself wandering out of the college into town. I sat down by myself in a park called Borelli’s which is in Farnham. There’s a river there, and some Japanese style bridges, so I sat and enjoyed being by myself. (Teenaged angst and all that) Then I thought of her, or she came to me, and through the years has grown stronger and more real. Parts of her are projections and other parts reflections, but I suppose she’s more of an avatar. If you compared us you’d not see many similarities. She’s funnier, more likeable, more sociable, braver, edgier, more persuasive etc… but I can identify with her emotionally, (we have the same temper and doubts) like no other character. There are some identifiable parts of her nature that are very close to my own feelings. Her life is very different, but I can admit that I do to some degree live through her. (knowing I have my own life and responsibilities in reality) Her reality and mine are very much connected and I can write things I couldn’t possibly dream of doing or saying as myself. I’m not Alexand and she’s not me, but we couldn’t survive without each other. She is me more than any of the others.

      1. As a writer, I understand that so much and appreciate you takin the time out to think so carefully about my question. I applaud you for putting this into such succinct concepts. And for allowing your heart to show. I very much appreciate that gift as well as all of the others you offer.

  3. I so love these two! And it’s interesting to get a little closer to a writer – I love the subtlety of this invention, Cheryl – it’s so right in the context of your stories – discreet (but mind-blowing), technology. The drawings are both brilliant. I really like the clutter of the first, but the second is really compelling.

    1. Thanks Richard, I always enjoy a Katherine / Alex story too and really wish the writer was real! I’d love to have that freedom. Glad you like this and the illustrations!

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